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Best 10 Photography Tips

Most people when taking photographs specially the beginners will take them on a horizontal plane. However, some subjects really lend themselves to vertical photography – for example the above image. Portrait photos are often best done vertically. Before taking your photos, turn the camera sideways and look at the same scene – you may find that the vertical perspective gives a much more interesting result. This rule works both ways – if you normally take vertical photos – try shooting some horizontal ones occasionally.

While taking photos outdoors, using the fill flash setting can dramatically improve the quality of your prints.Use it in bright sunlight to lighten dark shadows under the eyes and nose of your subject. You can also use it on cloudy days to brighten up faces so they stand out from the background.

8.Simple Plain Background

A confused background can be very distracting in your photographs – so try to get photos with clear backgrounds or ,with not too much activity.

7.Lock Focus
Most modern digital cameras allow you to lock your focus. This is normally done by pressing the shutter button half way when you have your focus as you want it. Keep pressing and re-frame your shot – the focus will stay the same. Press the shutter button the rest of the way. This is a great way to focus on a less dominant aspect of a photograph, or an off-center object without losing your photographs balance.

6.Knee Level

If you photograph animals, children, or anything lower than eye level. Get down on your knees and take the photo from the perspective of the subject – you get a much more personal and professional looking result. This is also a good tip for general photography.

5.Avoid Camera Shake
Camera shake or blur is something that can plague any photographer and here are some ways to avoid it. First, you need to learn how to hold your camera properly; use both hands, one around the body and one around the lens and hold the camera close to your body for support. Also make sure you are using a shutter speed that matches the lens focal length.Use a tree or a wall to stabilize the camera.

4.Don't Get Too Far
It's not uncommon for new photographers to stand too far away from their subjects.  Resist that urge get as close to the subject as you dare, so that it's incredibly clear what your subject is.  Fill the frame with your subject, if you can. 

3.Don't Get Too Close
If you get too close to your subject, the lens won't be able to focus.  The only lenses that can get really, really nice and close are macro lenses (and even they can get too close to a subject, so that they are unable to focus).  As you get close to whatever it is you're shooting, be mindful of how the lens is focusing.  If it stops focusing, back up a bit.

2.Rule of Thirds
Imagine that your image is divided into 9 equal segments by 2 vertical and 2 horizontal lines. The rule of thirds says that you should position the most important elements in your scene along these lines, or at the points where they intersect.
Doing so will add balance and interest to your photo. Some cameras even offer an option to superimpose a rule of thirds grid over the LCD screen, making it even easier to use.

The world is full of objects which make perfect natural frames, such as trees, archways and holes. By placing these around the edge of the composition you help to isolate the main subject from the outside world. The result is a more focused image which draws your eye naturally to the main point of interest.

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